Wednesday, 2 October 2013


Honestly there are so many "do you mind" moments in this story, I don't even know where to begin.
I am speaking about the Globe and Mail article entitled "Dying 'Angola Three' inmate freed after 41 years in solitary confinement."

Ok, let's take it slow.  This guy, Herman Wallace is 71 and has liver cancer and has only weeks to live. Sad right out of the gate.
Angola Three- is the "name" given to Wallace and 2 other black panther inmates of the Angola prison, namely, Albert Woodfox and Robert King, in 1997, when it was discovered that they had spent over 20 years in solitary confinement (which means a 6 by 9 foot cell for 23 hours a day). As names go- it is not the most evocative- shouldn't it be 'Sad Solitary Three' or ' Very Unfortunate Three' or even "You Poor Poor Bastards Three' but no major matter, it's the solitary confinement I'm do you minding about here.

Isn't that outlawed yet? Isn't that torture? I thought the US didn't do stuff like water boarding or solitary confinement any more.
Angola is said to be the bloodiest prison in the south (Whoa- that's saying a lot - this is the States remember) - the US's largest maximum security  prison" farm" - which ironically is on a former slave plantation and largely populated by black inmates. Hmmmm.

Don't see no cows or chickens liking it here.
So this Wallace dude has spent 41 years- yes count 'em four-decades and one year in solitary confinement for a murder he says he didn't commit and FINALLY gets his conviction overturned and let out because federal Judge Jackson ruled he didn't get a fair trial in 1974. Sheesh and DYM? That's right, both! It took you this long to figure that out? Wallace, behind bars for armed robbery, was sentenced to life  after being convicted along with another guy of stabbing a white prison guard to death in 1972. Apparently none of the fingerprints taken from the scene matched his, and witnesses said he was working in another part of the prison at the time of the stabbing. Gotta wonder how he was convicted in the first place.  Surprisingly it wasn't for lack of physical evidence-  that he got sprung-no, the verdict was overturned and he was let out because women were excluded from the grandjury and that is agin the 14th Amendment.  Go figure.

And it took from 2009 when the habeas corpus motion was filed, (4 years) and a personal letter from ole Herman himself, to get this ruling.
The wheels of justice right?

But get this!  The state prosecutors appealed the ruling? Say what? And when the appeal was denied they filed a motion to stay the appeal and send Wallace back to prison. Mother of G-d why? Why on earth would you do this? DYM!!! In Canada, (and I'm thinking this has to be somewhat similar in Amurca but who knows cause this is some whacked out sh*t) the three main principles of sentencing are deterrence- I think he has been deterred don't you? quarantine- I would venture to say he's certainly had enough of that and rehabilitation- penal or medical, not happening because oh yes, he has only weeks to live.  He was returned by ambulance to a hospice in New Orleans.

He's in a hospice. The guy is dying.  He has been confined in a 6 by 9 foot cell for 41 years for a crime he may very well not have committed. What do you want?  Give the guy a break. Give the guy the benefit of the doubt. Don't waste taxpayers money by filing motions. It is enough, no? Do you mind?
Here's the link if you can stomach it.


  1. I found this heart breaking, too. Solitary confinement is cruel and unusual and barbaric. I hope he gets to smell one or two roses before the end, poor man....

    1. I hope so too. And I hope they stop with the shenanigans of trying to get him back to prison. I find that outrageous- surely they have something better to do with their time.

  2. I am speechless. This is soooooo heartbreaking. I don't think I can stomach the link. That picture has me teary. Frankly I would have preferred the electric chair.

    1. It really does boggle your mind. We treat animals better than this. When will it change?

  3. Unbelievable yet too awfully common slow grind. Wonder what Sun Tzu, Lady Justice would say about this one. Hope there are a few weeks of care, peace, sunshine, some kind of redemption at end.

  4. Who is this Sun Tzu Lady Justice you speak of? (Google was not much help). I hope all that too and that he can be free.

  5. This is a terrible story, I don't think I can handle the link but I'm gonna go try.
    Sun Tzu wrote The Art of War... military strategy I think but also diplomacy and organization, he might have written something about how to treat prisoners, I bet that's what GF is referring to. I don't know who this Lady Justice is, sounds like a female rapper but I bet it isn't!

    1. Oh how stupid am I, she meant Lady Justice, you know the image, carrying the scales, of course! If I had a brain I'd be dangerous I tell you.
