taken from inside- my actual sill
OK, I know they are not chicken chickens but to me most semi-domestic or urban birds, chicken size (or sometimes bigger) & colour are chickens, whether they are pigeons, doves or ostriches- to me are chickens and they are, quite frankly, not welcome in my world. I love the cute little birds- the chickadee dee dee dees, the nut hatches ( the red breasted kind on account of their bandito mask- so cool), the cardinals, the gold finches, the hummingbirds with their ability to fly in one spot-awesome, even the hoo hoo hooter owls-which I have seen out in the wild- magical really) oh and I 'm sure there are more but these big birds that fly around your head and want to peck your eyes out ( a la Al Hitchcock- ya he knew) well get them away from me. ( Let's not even talk about seagulls- the worst and most heinous chicken there is- they really will peck your eyes out- I'm not even kidding, and they eat garbage dontchaknow?)
Well these 2 chickens were sitting there, pretty as you please, and even when I walked up ( me inside of course and them outside on the sill) and shooed them away did they fly away like good little chickens- NO! do you mind chickens? this is my house and my sill! Don't you have a wire or an inner city street or something to hang out on?
I started thinking- hey are these chickens going to roost here? (surely not ), which of course led me to think of the expression "The Chickens have come home to roost" which made me wonder about how that expression every came to be. And so going to trusty Mr. Google and World Wide Words, I discovered "The older fuller form was curses are like chickens; they always come home to roost, meaning that your offensive words or actions are likely at some point to rebound on you."
AHA! I knew it- yes curses are like chickens and chickens are like curses- it all makes so much sense.
I've always had an odd thought about that expression since learning in uni about a Malcolm X speech where he used it in reference to JFK assassination. If you are chicken about chickens, I am not looking forward to the seagulls' emphatic return to my downtown walk/ run route. Sometimes feel I am just inches from thwapped by that noisy wingspan.
ReplyDeleteYou need a new walk/run route. Seagulls on my route- that's a non starter. If you simply can't change your route then get a pair of BIG sunglasses to protect your eyes!
ReplyDeleteb lovely, you made me laugh out loud - after a bad Hitchcock shiver. I'm in TO, could change my route. But Maritime gal in me loves getting to water (Queen's Quay/ Harbourfront). When I am bit fitter, warmer weather, more time, I try to get to High Park. Lots of cute feathered friends, no flappy, wheeling ones.
Delete(I do wear big sunglasses, but that's searching, likely in vain, for my inner Jackie O.)
I never wondered what that expression meant but I should have! Thanks for clearing it up and now your very strong aversion to "chickens" makes complete and total sense, I guess you're not as crazy as I thought you were!
ReplyDeleteI think curses are more like pigeons, which, for me, are the worst kind of bird there is. At least chickens are tasty and provide us with there yummy unborn children (think omelettes). Pigeons? I have personally witnessed them eating spit and vomit from the sidewalk - eeeeew - and once came across some fighting over KFC bones spilling out of a bucket. Do Ya Mind?!
ReplyDeleteJDP--"yummy unborn children"???--must you? I can barely stomach eggs as it is!
ReplyDeleteI do agree though--pigeons are disgusting. I have no love of birds that come too close. It's my space--DO YOU MIND!