Wednesday 24 April 2013


So I am 10 days into my 21 days cleanse and I am NOT loving it. I am not eating gluten, processed sugar, animal products and not drinking alcohol. I am supposed to not have any caffeine but no can do- that would kill me- do you mind- this is tough enough. And 2 demi cups of French roast in the morning with frothed almond milk is not really cutting it so it is like giving up my morning coffee- it's certainly giving up delicious morning coffee- good enough.

I have  to blame credit Mr. Lovely for getting me into this. He had been out to Vancouver to visit his brothers and had partaken (he says once, but I bet more than once in his 3 day visit) of some Chinese food (politically incorrect  maybe - but I mean no harm - it's just that this way everyone knows what I'm talking about) and was on a mission to find some similar quality CF here in our small Ontario city. Good luck! In the past 30 years we had already tried 3 of the 5 places in town and I'm sorry to say they were not up to Mr. Lovely's standards. So here we were chomping down on yet another attempt at spring rolls, beef with snow pea pods, singapore noodles, and lemon chicken, all mostly smothered in miscellaneous goop -ok not the spring rolls but man were they greasy-yeesh. I got to thinking- hey I don't have a clue what I am eating and how smart is that? Not so! I also had spent quite a few nights having my cocktail- (a delicious Spanish wine called Garnacha Centenaria) standing at the counter and devouring about 1/2 large size bag of Miss Vickies (Jalapeno flavour mostly- though the sweet chili  and sour cream is also pretty darn good and I do like to shake it up sometimes). So I had told myself- yup tonight after work I'm not going to have a drink or any junk fude (that's the way Gary Larsen's animals spell food- cause you know they are animals so can't spell right).  But guess what- I have no will power and I was always putting that resolve off to the next day. But that Chinese food meal put me over the top. So I decided to go all out and hence the 14 day cleanse.

Here is  some of what I have been eating:

organic beet humus;

sweet potato and kale peanut soup;

the banana cream part of a banana cream pie (no pie crust cause of no gluten) made with silken tofu, bananas, crushed cashews and medjool dates (for added sweetness- not that it needed it) YUM- you can tell it's nearly gone;

no it's not chopped liver- it's a quinoa burger made with quinoa, sautéed onion and sundried tomatoes, and black beans- actually very tasty though a bit messy.

HOLY CRAP BATMAN, right? Are you so impressed? Ya me too! I have been cooking- (though the humus was from the store and the soup was c/o my buddy Kate) the rest is yours truly-that part is good- I suppose.

And although Mr. Lovely has also given up the booze and processed sugar for his "cleanse"- it is pretty darn hard to watch him chowing down on Jesse's country bread (Jesse makes his fantastic bread in his outdoor oven and it is amazing (I may miss that the most!) with  4 yr. old Balderson chedda cheese and then lace into a perfectly BBQ'd (just slightly bloody) steak.

And my friends?  Well-they are as supportive as they can be given they have lost a drinking buddy- Dani PB said "what?- this is a terrible idea!"  My book club pals called me "boring" (ok they were hooting it up not even discussing the book anymore and I wasn't drinking so I had to go- it was no fun) and LL said - 10 days- surely you will get enough benefit from that.

So I am thinking how cleansed do I want to be? Surely 12 days is clean enough!


  1. Good luck! I did the master cleanse for ten days once and I didn't drop any pounds or glow or nothing. I just go to a spa in Austria once a year because trying to detox and live a life is so hard - monks can do it because they life a calm life in the mountains meditating but for civilians - it is more mentally tough than anything.

    Hope you reach your goal!

    1. Ya I agree, we can't use monks as our example- they don't even have "the sex" so c'mon!

  2. Oh gosh! I salute you for 12 days and I think 12 days is enough! Lord - I felt ill looking at what you were eating!!! I am for moderation these days. I have no alcohol except friday and saturday night now, but you know what? I miss my nightly glass of wine and I don't think it's made any difference! All i am doing now is eating smaller portion of whatever i want and adding more veggies in to every meal. Come in from the cold and eat, drink and be merry!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I hear it is better for your system to have one glass of wine every night than to abstain and then have a few a couple of nights a week. Just saying...
      I heard this from Kerry who is painting my bedroom- so it must be true! Kerry knows.

  3. Enough is enough -do you mind? I want my drinking buddy back! Come one you were no drunkard it's only a glass of wine!
    That fude doesn't look very appetizing and now I am double impressed that this is how you've been living. I think you are officially cleansed of the junk.

    1. Probably right but I'm keeping going- at least for now. Talk to me Friday night!

  4. Oh my god!! Dani introduced me to your blog... I have been considering a juice fast but I was not sure i could last 3 days with only juicing... So 21 days is a very honorable goal! I am not sure how much you want to cut but there are many flours that are without gluten (quinoa, rice, coconut, almond) so you could still bake without gluten (I have reduce gluten in our diet and have found nice baking recipes). Juicing could also bring you some lovely colors and wonderful flavors... Nice non gluten breakfast for example are rice with apple, cinnamon, raw sugar or honey and nuts, or banana, honey cinnamon... As for beverage I love green and herbal teas... If you are looking for couple of websites and/or recipes to keep you going, I would happily share, have you ever checked Kris Carr website? And I wish you strength to keep going!
    Steph (FunkySteph)

    1. Thanks Steph. I bought some brown rice flour and used it in cooking some brownie cookies from the Website Chocolate Covered Katie ( vegan chocolate dishes- good stuff!). I'll check out Kris Carr too. I do also eat salads twice a day- they look and taste amazing- romaine, kale, broccoli, yellow red and orange peppers, avocado, shrooms, and almonds. They weren't on the theme of poor me- look at the crap I'm ingesting- so the picture didn't make it to the post.

    2. Sorry for the misunderstanding :-) Still wishing you strength to keep going, it is great!!!

  5. I did a 30 day cleanse once for candida and it was hell.
    You might find that the scale will show evidence of your efforts but seriously one does need to enjoy life. I like Sam Gracie's Daily Detox shakes. You might want to give those a try. Good luck!

    1. Thanks I will check out those shakes. I am having quite a bit of banana with almond milk smoothies which are very tasty indeed.

  6. You are an inspiration B-lovely! I'm not going to eat anymore Chinese food goo (except on spring rolls, egg rolls, and chicken balls)... for 3 days.
    You really get back to the basics. You put the u in fude.

  7. Thanks Thomas. I happen to know that you wouldn't eat much Chines fude anyways as it is too unhealthy and I know you really value your health. I appreciate your joshin with me.

  8. No wonder your cleanse didn't last - it looks like you were eating baby food. Do Ya Mind!

  9. It was really more about the booze deprivation- the fude was ok- even though it looked like... it wasn't that bad, really!
